Learning at home

The WORD in Other Words by Fr Semei Rebayla SVD (Philippines)

Tuesday Week 7 Ordinary Time 
Sirach 2,1-11
Mark 9,30-37

A young parishioner once asked me a favour: “Father, my sister is a spoiled brat; can you advise her to be a good girl?” I replied, “I only see and talk to your sister once a week, while you and your sister are together everyday; why can’t you and your parents discipline her at home?”

In today’s Gospel, it is good to notice the place where Jesus taught His disciples the core values of greatness. It was inside the house. The home is presumed to be the first school where values and philosophies of life are taught. It is the place where parents and elders act as teachers. It is at the dining table where families share and discuss life’s problems and solutions.

Mark 9,33 reminds us that despite technological advances there are still things that are best learned at home, especially matters of faith and values. Our lifestyles and manners reflect the manner by which we have been raised by our parents.

One facilitator of a leadership seminar that I attended claimed that what we have become is the by-product of the three E’s: environment, education and experience. If we are all positively moulded by these three E’s in our respective home, we would surely become better persons. Church can also be considered a home where Jesus gives us his instructions in life. It is a place where we imbibe a Christian environment, education and experience.

In this fast-changing world, we pray that the culture of teaching values education at home remains alive and strong.

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