Prayer to Jesus on the Values of the Kingdom

From the SVD Collection of Prayers, VADEMECUM

Prayer to Jesus on the Values of the Kingdom

L. Lord Jesus Christ, once more we gather before you, our Master and King, to listen to the words you spoke in the beatitudes. We have been listening to the clamor of the world but we now resolve to listen again to your voice in the beatitudes.

The world says: Happy are the rich; money and power rule the world.

A. But you say: Happy are the poor in spirit; the rule of God is theirs.

L. Theworldsays:Happyarethosewhohaveagood time; they are the happy ones.

A. But you say: Happy are the sorrowing; they shall be consoled.

L. The world says: Happy are those, greedy for power and fame; they shall rule the world.

A. But you say: Happy are they who hunger and thirst for holiness; they shall be satisfied.

L. The world says: Happy are the cold-hearted and the proud; they will dominate the earth.

A. But you say: Happy are they who show mercy, mercy shall be theirs;

L. The world says: Happy are those who crush opposition with force.

A. But you say: Happy are the peacemakers; they shall be called sons and daughters of God.

L. The world says: Happy are those who know how to deceive and get ahead by lies and cheating.

A. But you say: Happy are the single-hearted honest persons, for they shall see God.

L. The world says: Happy are you when the world flatters and applauds you; for people will esteem you highly.

A. But you say: Happy are you when they insult and persecute you, and speak every kind of slander against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven. They persecuted the prophets before you in the same way.

L. On judgment day, Lord, we shall know the true worth of every person. Then we shall not care what people think of us, but only how we stand in your eyes and in the eyes of your Father.

A. Then we shall realize, as never before, the values you expressed in the beatitudes. Then we shall be happy if we have carried out your commandment of love.

L. Glory be… A. As it was…

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